viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Your sleeping position, your personality

Who will think that the sleeping position can reveal some of personality about us? That is right. I found a report about this on yahoo health section named: “What your sleep position reveals about your personality” by Lisa Collier Cool; which made me searched about this because impressed myself.  There are four types of sleeping position, those positions are: the fetal, the long, the yearner and the freefall. If you sleep in the fetal position you are not so alone, but you are trying to found comfort and have a lot of worry about your issues.  Also, you are conscientious during your works. She said: “these are people who tend to over think their tasks and daily lives.”  The long position show us others personalities. Those that sleep this way, sleep with a lot irregularity because they have a lot of problems in their mind about their hardly work and they should learn to relax those issues. The yearners sleepers are those that get up in the morning with a lot of positive energy and chase their dreams. But, those dreams don’t have a real focus. The last one is the freefall position. This position gives the personality of the sleepers who may be getting the least restful night’s sleep. I considered myself a yearners sleeper. In what position you sleep? You might know more about your personality.

The fetal and long Positions:

The yearners and freefall Positions:

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